Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pratt Manhattan Gallery presents Broadcast


Pratt Manhattan Gallery will present "Broadcast," an exhibition of thirteen works by an international group of artists who, since the 1960s, have engaged, critiqued, and inserted themselves into official channels of broadcast television and radio. The exhibition will run from February 20 – May 2, 2009 and will include single-channel monitor-based videos, video-projection works, photography, installations, and interactive broadcasting projects. 

"Broadcast" is a traveling exhibition co-organized by the Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, and iCI (Independent Curators International), New York; circulated by iCI; and guest-curated by Irene Hofmann. The exhibition comes to Pratt Manhattan Gallery from Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit, and Contemporary Museum, Baltimore. The exhibition and tour are made possible, in part, with support from the iCI Exhibition Partners. 

"With works that directly engage, challenge, or subvert the structure and authority of broadcast media, the artists in this exhibition post provocative questions about the impact that radio and television can have in shaping the events of our time," said guest curator Hofmann. "At a time when YouTube invites us all to "Broadcast Yourself," the works in the exhibition remind us that, even with such democratizing new broadcast outlets, the power and control of our traditional media outlets is still held only by a few powerful entities."

The artists in this exhibition work in one of two ways—by creating or inserting themselves in original broadcasts or by appropriating existing ones. Within each of these strategies, there are two impulses followed by the artists—either an iconoclastic, aggressive position, at times intended to question Federal Communications Commission regulations, or a more cooperative and collaborative position.

Examples of broadcasting in the exhibition will include Top Value Television's (TVTV) 
Four More Years, a subversive view of the American electoral process featuring irreverent coverage of Richard 

Nixon's 1972 presidential campaign and the Republican National Convention; and Chris Burden's 
TV Hijack, where the artist took a television interviewer hostage on live television to illustrate the control television has on our lives.

Examples of work that appropriates and re-interprets broadcasts in the exhibition will include video and installation artist Dara Birnbaum's 
Hostage, which features archival media coverage from the 1977 kidnapping of the German industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer by the Baader-Meinhof group; and multi-media installation artist Antoni Muntadas' The Last Ten Minutes, which studies broadcasting conventions in different times in history. 

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