Friday, July 25, 2008

Laboratorio de Arte y Espacio Social

The Laboratorio de Arte y Espacio Social (LAES) is a collaborative research workshop directed by María Fernanda Cartagena and Bill Kelley, Jr. for the Education Department of the Museo del Banco Central del Ecuador (Central Bank Museum of Ecuador).

LAES will offer a free and open space for participants of any discipline to investigate and engage in issues involving the relationship between art and public space. Methodological research that involves working with and understanding public cultural practices are of primary concern within a field that has seen enormous growth of activity both locally and internationally, institutionally and informally, and individually and collectively.

Practices born in or outside the art world system hold numerous promising possibilities depending on the public one chooses to work with. LAES, under the institutional umbrella of the largest museum in Ecuador, will seek to investigate the ties between institutional possibilities and the numerous independent artist/activist led projects in the region. Relationships between art and political movements, collaborative strategies and community work, as well as contemporary and historic forms of public space cultural practices will be investigated.

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