The annual Whitsun fair, tennis championships, Cirque du Soleil, parked cars, the musical 0110 event in protest at the political climate in Antwerp, which is shifting to the right, ice sculptures, an exclusive trade fair of luxury articles and even more numerous circuses of other origins: the filled-in southern docks between the Vlaamsekaai and the Waalsekaai have in the past played host to a wide variety of events. But only on one occasion has the square been used for contemporary art, in the summer of 2002 when Villanella and MuHKA installed the ‘drive-in wheel’, a huge Ferris wheel for cars designed by the Dutch artist John Körmeling.
The South, with the filled-in southern docks at its heart, has though been surrounded by the visual arts for many years now: historical works in the Royal Museum of Fine Art, contemporary art in the galleries and the MuHKA and FotoMuseum. And yet it was not until 2008 that an idea that had been in circulation for a long time – literally and figuratively filling the square with contemporary art – could be put into action. This was an idea which, with hindsight, turned out to be so obvious that several actors had had it in mind for several years.
The South, with the filled-in southern docks at its heart, has though been surrounded by the visual arts for many years now: historical works in the Royal Museum of Fine Art, contemporary art in the galleries and the MuHKA and FotoMuseum. And yet it was not until 2008 that an idea that had been in circulation for a long time – literally and figuratively filling the square with contemporary art – could be put into action. This was an idea which, with hindsight, turned out to be so obvious that several actors had had it in mind for several years.
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